ED483 Communication and Counseling Skills for Teachers, Administrators, and Other Helping Professionals
Introduces the educating or allied helping professional to the basic skills and core perspectives of counseling as a form of communication. Assists educators in facilitating effective interpersonal interactions by introducing them to basic listening skills, principles of group dynamics, theories of cross-cultural communication, and conflict-resolution strategies.
Credits: 3Offered: Fall
Offered Online: No terms identified
Modes: In-Person
Prerequisites: None
Restrictions: For non-counseling students only
ED 483 Communication and Counseling Skills for Teachers, Administrators, and Other Helping Professionals course information is subject to change, please check the latest schedule.
Fall 2024 (8/26/2024 - 12/18/2024)ED483-1
Open (8/25) 32%
Lechase Room 160
Thursday (4:50 PM-7:30 PM)
Ram DeJesus
Registration is limited to non-counseling students only.
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